How do I place an order?
There are a few ways of doing this. 1. Press F9 2. Click ‘New Order’ on the toolbar 3. Right click any instrument you wish to trade in the Market Watch panel, then select ‘New Order’. 4. Or simply double-click an instrument in Market Watch 5. Click ‘Tools’ then select ‘New [...]
How do I log in?
In your MT5 terminal: 1. Click ‘File.’ 2. Click ‘Login.’ 3. In the new box, enter your credentials. These should have been sent to you by email 4. Also remember to select the correct server assigned to your [...]
What spreads can I expect?
Our spreads are variable and change depending on market conditions. Please visit this page to get an idea of what our spreads may [...]
How much commission must I pay for trading on an MT5 account?
You will pay approximately USD 7 for every round lot traded. If you wish to know how commissions are calculated, please visit this [...]
Why wasn’t my Pending Order executed?
The most common reason for this is that you very likely did not have enough funds to cover the trade when the target price was reached. It could also be because the specified price had not yet been reached and you may have merely ‘jumped the [...]
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